Storytime & Literacy Programs


Storytimes will resume the week of July 1 and run through August 10, 2024! 

Our summer weekly storytime schedule runs as follows:

  • Tuesdays at 10 AM: Babies & Books, for birth-23 months. At the Gazebo by the senior center (or in the Community Room for bad weather). No registration required! Runs July 2nd thru August 6.

  • Wednesdays at 6:30 PM: Sunset Storytime, for all ages. Front Lawn (or Children's Room for bad weather). No registration required! Runs July 3 thru August 7.

  • Thursdays at 10 AM: Family Storytime, for all ages. Front Lawn (or Children's Room for bad weather). No registration required! Runs July 11 thru August 8.

  • Special Event: Yoga Storytime, presented by Create Power Yoga. Wednesdays from July 10 - July 31st at 10 AM in the Hayden Center (meeting room 1). **Registration Required!** Visit our events calendar to sign up.

Storytimes run weekly in six week sessions. Please keep an eye out on our event calendar, website and/or social media for information storytime cancellations due to illness or bad weather. 
1000 Books Before Kindergarten

"Children need to hear a thousand stories before they can begin to learn to read. Or the same story a thousand times!” - author Mem Fox

1000 Books Before Kindergarten is a reading activity for preschoolers and their families. Reading aloud to children is the #1 way to prepare them for reading! It instills a love of books and familiarizes children with print, words, sounds, and how it all comes together to create language and reading. "1000 Books" is a great way to track and celebrate reading aloud!
Families simply begin by picking up a log for the first 100 books at the Children's Desk. With their child or on their own, they keep track every time they read a book together.  Repeat readings count  - so even though you might be sick of your child's favorite repeated book, each of those times checks off another book on your 1000 books goal! You can also count books the librarian reads at storytime, or books they may hear in daycare, from older siblings, and the babysitter!
Every time they reach 100 books, the child gets a sticker and a new log. There is also a halfway prize, and a display in the children's room for kids to show off their progress. When families reach 1000 Books, they are rewarded a new picture book and a tote bag with our 1000 Books Logo. Caregivers will also receive a $10 gift card to a local dining establisment, thanks to a generous donation from Coastal1 Credit Union.
This event is sponsored by The Friends of the Cumberland Public Library and Coastal1 Credit Union.