
World Book Dramatic Learning

The plays on this site have been written to work in concert with accompanying lesson plans tied to state achievement benchmarks. They function as a catalyst to engage students in the adventure of learning, encouraging them to pursue further research and exploration long after their classroom experience is over.


These databases include Auto Repair, Magazine Index, Alternative Health, Pharmacology Database, a general Encyclopedia, an Animal Encyclopedia, Current Topic Search, NoveList Plus Reader's Advisory and much more.

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Have you read everything by your favorite author? Use Author Read-alikes to locate other authors and titles of interest or search for fiction by topic. NoveList also includes full-text searchable book reviews, annotations, genre- and theme-based book lists, award lists, and book discussion guides.

Literary Reference Center

Literary Reference Center (LRC) is a comprehensive literary reference database, which provides users with a broad spectrum of reference information from antiquity to the present day. It combines information from over 1,000 books and monographs, major literary encyclopedias and reference works, hundreds of literary journals, and unique sources not available anywhere else. LRC contains detailed information on the most studied authors and their works.

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